Muslims tomorrow mark Laylat al-Miraj, the night elevation Muhammad a.s.

Muslims tomorrow mark Lailat al-Miraj, or Night of Ascension of Muhammad a.s. in most of the celestial sphere, which happened on the 27th of Rajab.

Muslims tomorrow mark Lailat al-Miraj, or Night of Ascension of Muhammad a.s. in most of the celestial sphere, which happened on the 27th of Rajab.Upon calendar and Takvim for 2016, issued by Islamic Community in BiH, this night performance on Tuesday, starting the sunset prayers.

On the occasion of the blessed night of Laylat al-Miraj, Majlis FROM Sarajevo tomorrow will organize a festive program at the mosque Dobrinja II (New Mosque), after the sunset prayers.
As previously announced, in the framework of the program will be held commemorative lecture, recitation of the Qur'an and mevluda and members Hora Majlis FROM Sarajevo will perform ilahije and kaside.

In the opinion of the majority of Muslim scholars, Muhammad a.s. on the night of Miraj transported from Mecca to Jerusalem, from the harems Sheriff - Ka'bah, to Quds, distant Temple (Masjid Al-Aqsa), which is called Israel.

Then they released the last two verses of Surat Al-Beker which was ordered handling the five daily prayers and donated right sefaat (commitment).
This night has been confirmed in Sura An-Najm, Al-Isra, and in the following verse: "Blessed be He who at one time by night his goods from house honorable in a distant temple, whose surroundings We have blessed, in order to him some of Our signs - surely He is the hearing, the seeing. ".