The EU commission offered Croatia: 'You will get a nice 6 thousand euros to receive an immigrant', Croatia said 'No, thank you!'

The EU commission offered Croatia: 'You will get a nice 6 thousand euros to receive an immigrant', Croatia said 'No, thank you!'

The Commission also offers other opportunities to countries that would allow the establishment of the so-called " controlled centers for the disembarkation and treatment of migrants

For every migrant rescued from the sea, the European Commission will pay a country that decides to accept 6000 euros. It is part of the proposal of the concept developed by the European Commission, guided by the agreement of the member states at the last month's summit, to be discussed further. With the money, the Commission offers other opportunities to countries that would allow the establishment of the so-called " controlled centers for the disembarkation and treatment of migrants.

As confirmed by Croatia, Croatia continues to decide that such centers - called controlled centers, camps or hotspots - are not willing to allow in their territory. Centers would be managed by countries, supported by the EU and EU agencies, and could be temporary or established for a specific purpose.In order to reduce the number of deaths and ensure discharge, all coastal states in the Mediterranean should be encouraged to set up search and rescue teams.