Tražim posebne djevojke,zene,gospodje i bake za posebne izlaske sa aktuelnim nalazom zdravstvenog stanja ,diskrecija zagarantovana.Ispunjavam sve želje i sve opcije su moguće.Što se tiče želja u to ulazi i eskort ili security pratnja.Molim neozbiljne osobe da mi se ne obraćaju
- 6 Jan, 2012
- 1413 pregleda
Hello Dear my name is Lizzly,slim,tall,and a beautiful looking girl that like traveling and dancing.I saw your profile in this site and was moved to contact you,i join this site in other to find my love of life.Please,i want you to contact me through my private email address(lizzlykas@yahoo.com)so that i will send you my pictures and tell you more about me.Thanks and have a pleasant day.