Threatened with severe shortages: A Closer us to war for drinking water?

Lack of fresh water may become a cause of renewed armed conflict - now because the water shortage faced by 700 million people in 43 countries around the world, scientists warn. By 2025. year, due to global climate change and population growth on Earth, this figure will exceed three billion.

News-2013-Februar-voda_pije_boca_134318475According to the experts, the main threat to the future of the conflict stems from the uneven distribution of water resources.

The minimum daily requirement for water is 20 liters per person. But, one billion people on Earth has the ability to use just five liters a day.

Water deficit is mostly felt in the Middle East, China, India, Central Asia ..

Ethiopia's decision on the construction of a dam on the Blue Nile has caused discontent Egypt.Ethiopia is building in the upper reaches of the Nile large hydroelectric plant, which can provide energy to neighboring countries.

For Egypt's problem is that it is practically 98 percent of the country's population live in the Nile valley. Therefore, it is not just a question of food production, but also in industrial production and national security.

The basic problem is that the Nile, except Egypt, uses ten countries of Central and Eastern Africa.Among them are big countries - Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda, Tanzania. The total population of these countries exceeds 300 million.

In Central Asia for several years there is a dispute between Uzbekistan and Tajikistan Vahš around rivers - tributaries of the Amur Darja.

Uzbekiszanci Vahši Rogunsku build the hydroelectric plant. Tajikistan is expressly against it for fear of reducing the Amu Darya basin, which would cause enormous damage to agriculture.

Disagreements are assumed such proportions that it virtually can not be solved without international mediation - to world media.

According to forecasts of scientists for 50 years fresh water reserves in the world will be reduced by a third, even half.

It's not just the consequences of global climate change on Earth, but also irrational and often barbaric water consumption.