It feeds on a straw! Sasa Kovacevic can not speak!
Sasha on Friday had sinus surgery and the third tonsil, which was successfully passed. Although the plan should be in on Monday to get out of the hospital, the doctors have him home, but released on Sunday.He is currently unable to speak and feed it through a straw, but they are all confident that they will recover quickly. He is recovering from surgery to his apartment, and with him all the time, his girlfriend Jovana. She cares about him, and every day you visit a mom and dad and brother Rade - said the source close to the singer, adding that Sasa optimist and believe in a quick recovery.
Pevačev father Dragan Kovacevic confirmed and explained in detail what kind of state is currently in his son.
- The operation went well. Sale is recovering, there is a lot of pain, but receives daily injections.Given that it is very active when they live and work in question falls hard for him as it has to be understood and they can not speak. Sinuses he does not pose a problem as far as the third tonsil, which was operated on, but he was finally taken out of gauze and tuferi nose, so now it can and breathe through the nose, as he smoothed the state. We expect that it will soon recover. We consulted with a doctor about appearances scheduled for 14 February, and accordingly scheduled operation. We are all with him and Sale is a strong guy, so I hope that will stoically endure this situation - said Dragan.
- 11 Feb, 2014
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