Happy Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day or Valentine's Day , mostly in Western countries , is celebrated every 14th February . How does it come about and how in love they started to celebrate this day ?

The theory about the origin of Valentine's Day to you all trust the most is that in ancient Rome , where Christianity first came , there was a priest Valentin who is marrying young soldiers , despite the prohibition of Emperor Claudius Gotha .

The priest performed the wedding regardless of the emperor's command , but he was once docile Carav caught in the act and put in prison . It was on the 14th February . After that they killed him , and the people called him a saint.

The symbol of Valentine's Day , of course, a red heart , and Cupid , the Roman god of love , who appears as a man or a child with a bow and arrow . These are the love arrows who fire their " victims " .

A little less nice explanation says Valentine's Day is actually just a product of consumer society and nothing more . If you love someone , it's every day , many would say .

In any case , if you want to celebrate a happy Valentine's Day , be happy , love and celebrate love all year round . And remember , gifts have nothing to do with it .