Internet virus raging on this site immediately change your password

Viral error in coding called ' Heartbleed bug' , experts warn , is one of the biggest threats to Internet security system ever seen .
The virus is Hedgehog caught many of the popular websites and social networks like Google and Facebook , which are daily used by a large number of people dijem planet . Suspecting how could endanger not only privacy , but information such as passwords as well as bank card numbers , and experts believe that lurks in ambush for two years .

Some Internet companies that have been infected by this virus , upgraded their servers would not you tried to protect their users . And they released the list of ' infected ' pages that experts advise to be any good to their customers as soon as possible change their passwords or passwords would you protect yourself from loss account , writes .

But caution , changing passwords is not a guarantee that this dangerous virus has not already collected your information . Changing the password is something that every bit of every one of us should do , consult an IT expert .

Here are sites that are contaminated , sites that are advised to change passwords within immediately , published by the portal Mashable .

Social network Facebook and Tumblr , while Twitter also recommends password change even though the virus in the social network is still not confirmed .
Google is one company that claims to its customers as soon as possible to change their passwords , Yahoo also , while Apple still has not detected the virus , but they advise changing passwords . Microsoft and Amazon are now safe from the ' bleeding ' heart .

From e - mail address that is used by many people around the world are those that detect the virus as Gmail and Yahoo Mail , and some of the online stores have noticed this viral bug , it's Amazon , GoDaddy , while eBay is still not sure whether threatened and their users of this vicious virus .