Scandal in Serbia: The sect broke away from the Serbian Orthodox Church teaches kids to shoot and preparing them for war!

Youngsters aged from seven to 17 years, under the auspices of Svetolazarevog Orthodox youth camp, days lived in military conditions in nature, walked at 10 km and slept in a cave. They were wearing camouflage uniforms and learned to shoot from so-called airsoft guns! 

Girls and boys are firing replica of the "Kalashnikov", doing push-ups and sleeping in a cave. These are some of the gruesome scene in the photos with Svetolazarevog Orthodox youth camp (Spoke). Camp in July in mountain wilderness Kučaj organized "true Serbian Orthodox Church" (SIPC), published by the Serbian "Blic". 

Ovjekoviječeno is that kids aged seven to 17 years, under the auspices of the sect, ten days living conditions in the military in nature, walked ten miles and slept in a cave. 
The website SIPC's pointed out that the camp is conducted on the Reef mountains the last two years, and that is "highly desirable that a spoke in the coming years, he found a greater number of teenagers" because it is precisely this kind of education they need. 

What is astonishing is the fact that they wore camouflage uniforms and learned to shoot from so-called airsoft guns. 

- This story is devastating. One religious group, whatever it may be, should not be this way that abused children. This is nothing but abuse of minors and their religious feelings. It is a violation of the law and morality, and it is unacceptable. They should not be used in such a way and to create religious and militant organizations. The strange thing is that local authorities are not odreagovale the military camp - says hedge Tucic, religious analyst from Serbia.