The quest for a billion barrels of oil in the Federation!

Exploration of oil in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina should begin in early 2015, after the end of this year signed a concession agreement, confirmed in an interview with the Anadolu Agency (AA) Erdar Trhulj, Minister of Energy, Mining and Industry in the Government the Bosnian Federation entity. 

Oil exploration will be carried out in the area of ​​the Dinarides, which includes the site of Bihac, over Dreznic to Stolac, where it is estimated that there are more sites than one billion barrels of oil. 

"It is encouraging that Shell as a multinational company remains interested in is done in oil exploration Federation regardless of the political crisis that we have in Bosnia and Herzegovina, frequent reconstruction authorities, the February protests that have negatively impacted, and other events that have created a negative image. Shell has decided to stay and it is very positive for the Federation, "said the Trhulj. 

Federal Minister of Energy, Mining and Industry stated that the Dinaric perform well, to a depth of eight kilometers, and one such cost 75 million dollars. In order to verify an oil needs to be done at least five such wells, which means that for such an undertaking must invest at least 300 to 400 million in initial funding, the Federation has neither could provide alone. 

- Balanced development of the entire Federation - 

Oil exploration is, emphasizes Trhulj, in the Federation long-term project in the second round there will be awarding concessions for activities in Tuzla and Posavina Canton where it is estimated that there are between 200 and 300 million barrels of oil, are also planning the same activities in the field Sarajevo-Zenica basin. 

"We have everything we need when it comes to coal. Coal Concessions awarded cantons in the Federation so that there is a possibility that some of the cantons some new, smaller sites give to someone under concession in development and employment of 100 to 200 people. But at the federal level there is no need for the foreseen dynamics meets the needs, "he Trhulj. 

He stressed that the coal reserves of the Federation of BiH amounts to 3 billion tons, and that the same number of new estimates of potential.