Hartmann: Judgment Seselj has already been written

Case Seselj is proof that the ICTY 'totally irresponsible people' who should step down, says Hartmann.

Release of Vojislav Seselj on freedom is unacceptable, especially as the verdict against him has already been written, but not published, said Florence Hartmann, former spokesperson of the Hague prosecution, for Delo.

"The verdict is already written, and no one wants to say it is. Seselj was not so sick that he could not listen to her reading, "Hartmann said.

She added that Seselj's provisional release is not justified nor with aspects of human rights.

"No one have not yet been released prematurely in such a way. Everyone needs to say if he was guilty or not. Nobody wants to die, and you do not get an answer to that question, "said Hartmann for the Slovenian newspaper.

Case Seselj is proof that the Hague court "completely irresponsible people" who should step down, along with Chief Prosecutor Serge Brammertz.

"They are completely above all, above international standards, above the United Nations Security Council, even above God," she added ironically Hartmann.

'Provisionally released lunatics'

"If I were in place (Croatian President) Josipovic, I wrote to the President of the ICTY Meron than members of the Security Council and asked them what was going on. For the work of the court pay huge money, and in exchange we get only an attempt to revise the history of the conflict and the early release of a Madman, "Hartmann said.

Commenting on the situation in Croatia in relation to the process of reconciliation and the trial in The Hague, Hartmann concluded that things are "slow moving" and that "nationalism all over."

"On that there would be no fear of dealing with the past," said Hartmann, adding that the Croatian military Operation Storm was a legitimate, but that those found guilty of crimes committed during and after the committed were not penalized.

"If someone talks about these sločinima, automatically charges that opposes the action which Croatia regained control of their territory," said Hartmann in an interview with the leading Slovenian newspaper.