Girls who become pregnant on the excursion abortion

News of girls who become pregnant on a school trip caused consternation throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina and beyond. It is the girls who are 13 or 14 years! The identity of the girl is hidden, and they come from a village in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

"Can you imagine how the parents felt when they learned that their daughter pregnant? Especially if we know that they come from a small village in which it is a terrible shame. The girls are going to school there. And their families are marked for life," said for German Bild Nenad Babic, gynecologist and national health coordinator in the RS.

Out of respect for our students and their families, Babic was not immediately talked about this case. The public was notified six months after the girls aborted, only to protect their health.

Babic said the news published since it is necessary to raise awareness and draw attention to the lack of education of young people about their sexuality.

"These children have not been informed. It is not done on time neither parents nor school," he said.

According to Babic, the girls of abortion and shock recovered and all help them to immediately return to normal life.

Lack of education on this issue is very pronounced in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In Sarajevo, last year reported 31 juvenile pregnancies.

"It is worrying that 13-year-old have sex. But this is the trend today. However, we should not let the children about sexuality education in the street. This has to teach them to school," said Sarajevo gynecologist Senad Mehmedbasic.