Tonight celestial fireworks Perzeida

Nebo, Svemir, Perzeidi

When we see Perseids, then we see that all our countries on the path around the sun happy.

Meteor stream Perzeida scene that will culminate tonight, the night of the 12th to the 13th of August. Croatian astronomer and head of the observatory in Visnjan Corrado Korlevic to observe this phenomenon recommended sleeping bag and going out into nature, away from light pollution, reports the Anatolia.

Korlevic explained phenomenon Perzeida fact that the Earth enters the cloud of very fast particles like flakes. What on Earth is seen as a flash in the sky is due to high speed of these particles manage to ignite dozens of kilometers long atmosphere. It is actually a mark of plasma, and the atmosphere protects us from these bodies.

"We can not say that for us it is dangerous, it's just spectacular. It is dangerous for astronauts. Every year on their way around the sun, Earth encounters a cloud of particles and what we have the fireworks in the sky. The problem is that it, as passing time, we can all watch less because there are more street lights, "says Korlevic for AA.

To watch the Perseids should choose a dark place, recommended Korlevic, and this is simply not the cities. He says he needs to go out of town in a nature park, a place with no street lights, take an hour or two of time, a sleeping bag, "crawl and be run under the stars, look at the sky and think actually how big the universe is and how many miracles in it ".

When we see Perseids, then we see that all our countries on the path around the sun happy, says Corrado.

How are made

Comets and shooting stars in its rotation around the sun, when they approach the sun, it illuminates them so that they move to the eruption and explosion. From these eruptions, except gas that comes out, comes out in the universe is thrown out a lot of particles with size as flakes. They do not contain much water and ice, but the speed collision with a thick earth's atmosphere is 60 kilometers per second, so the effects are so great, says Korlevic.

"This particle, no matter what is soft as flakes, in its infinite movement is hard because of the speed. That energy is what we see. We know years in advance movement of a comet or a shooting star, and we know when we on Earth have the fireworks," explains the Croatian astronomer.

Perseids range already in mid-July and can be seen every bit of heaven fireflies that guy that apparently comes from the constellation Perseus. As days go by, Earth enters the denser cloud so that the peak event night of the 12th to the 13th of August. What follows is a few more days of activities which then rapidly decline, says Korlevic. So the Perseids have a long ramp entry and after peak relatively quickly disappear.

Celestial fireflies, proletuše, meteors ....

"As far as names, we know nearly as meteors, celestial fireflies, but what is lately used as the Tears of St. Lawrence does not actually exist in the languages ​​of the Balkans," says Korlevic.

In Serbia, they were shooting stars, meteors in Croatia, heavenly shooting, proletuše, celestial fireflies, and tears of St. Lawrence is a figment of the Internet, he says, about 15 years old.

To Perseids observed, should watch the whole sky. Recently used video cameras to record the sky. No more astronomers lying in a sleeping bag, watching the sky and writing, says Corrado, but it captures the sky and computers processed images.

Perzidi not only a stream, there are more than 6,000 known streams, he is known as one of the two strongest. Perseids are in the 8th, and the Geminids in the 12th month. Korlevic say the name given "because when we look at the sky, it seems to us that all these particles come from a single point, which in this case is in the constellation Perseus, and in winter the Geminids in the constellation of Gemini."