Sarovic: I'm sure it will appeal Croatian be rejected, but until then buy domestic milk
Mirko Sarovic, Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations, said today after a meeting of the Council of Ministers that one of the reasons why Croatia has appealed to export from four BH. Dairies in the EU and the competitiveness of our milk, according to the BiH. News agency Patria.
Sarovic said that BiH. Delegation in Brussels yesterday did an important thing, and that is shortening the deadline for resolving complaints rather than on September 16, it will happen no later than 10 September.
Speaking of complaints Croatian, Sarovic said that the Government stated that before the start of exports should once again come to BiH in charge of inspections.
- In an interview with Croatian representatives in essence are other reasons. But my suggestion is to buy local milk and it is the duty of all of us. We can start working from today and will be a surplus of milk - said Sarovic.
He said that the value of Croatian exports to BiH billion and that everyone should respectfully talk about Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Sarovic said that the EC would consider an appeal, but he believes that it will be rejected the Croatian.
- The same case was with the export of potatoes. He was also objected, but the other members did not accept that. I believe that this will happen this time - Sarovic said, adding that the deadline for appeal breached for ten days.
Sarovic said that only in 2014 the Croatian in BiH were imported 15 million kg of milk and dairy products, and from Bosnia to Croatia no.
As a reminder, dairies that have received permission to export to the EU are Miklos, Meggle, Mlijekoprodukt, Livno.
- 2 Sep, 2015
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