Anonymous Croatian and Serbian intelligence officers who used the opportunity to damage BiH and Bosniaks

The group alleged hackers Anonymous announced today the personal data from the CIPS database of persons who claim to be linked to terrorism. "We start with the publication of data from a data base of persons connected with terrorism in BiH, and that BiH data services hide from the public and other police forces and institutions in Europe. The information will be published every few hours in the sequels ", said in a message on the Facebook page of Anonymous.

However, what they actually did Anonymous. They took the list of members of the "El Mujahedin", the Bosniaks who were members of the Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina through war in the said unit. Publish the information in alphabetical order. By publishing this information, Anonymous The truth who they are in reality.

 It is the members of the intelligence services of the Croatian and Serbian and their agents in BiH (what Anonymous published a copy of what he had done Croatian intelligence Domagoj Margetic a few years ago). They have not and will not disclose the identity of the people behind the Ummah News, people who recruit in Isil, those who are the real terrorists. 

They will not do it because it's their army. Instead, Anonymous (Serbo - Croatian intelligence) exploit the media attention to accuse as many Bosniaks, to display the Bosniak patriots dangerous terrorists. They do not know when, nor want to obsess real terrorists and war criminals, they aim to the fight against Bosniaks and Bosnia and Herzegovina. This is the time to BiH for what they want. The citizens of BiH are completely unprotected from neighboring intelligence services.

We expect that because of this text Anonymous (Serbo - Croatian intelligence) attack, I can do it, but our voice can not be shut down, the truth is our most powerful weapon. In the end, we will certainly be victorious.