Identified four minor sisters in the family Ribic

Minor sisters in the family Ribic, whose remains were found in a mass grave Black Top, in the Zvornik area, were identified today in the Commemorative Centre in Tuzla.

A spokeswoman for the Missing Persons Institute of Bosnia and Herzegovina Lejla Cengic told Fena that the youngest among today identified Almas, who was three years old, then Suvad five years and Zijad seven years. He added that the fourth sister could not be identified with certainty.

- He came DNA analysis that says that this is one of the nurses from the family Ribic, but because of the approximate age and similar physical constitution, brother Zijo could not with certainty whether this is a Ismeta or Zlatija, one of which had 12 and the other 13 years - explained Cengic.

The identity of the girl, determined on the basis of DNA analysis, today officially confirmed their identity brother lie, the only surviving member of the family.

Parents of murdered girl, also have been exhumed from mass graves Black Top, were identified and buried earlier.

Still missing from the family Ribic water two sisters and a brother who was the youngest, Sabri, was killed in the second year of life.

Cengic said that in Skočić, in the Zvornik area, killed 27 victims of the Roma, including almost complete family Ribic - six sisters, brother and parents. To date been recovered and identified 16 victims from this place.

From mass graves Black Top in the Zvornik area in 2003 exhumed 629 victims' remains from the war.