In Zagreb held a mass for Josip Broz Tito (PHOTO)

The church of St. Mark in Zagreb's Upper Town tonight at 18 o'clock Mass was held dedicated to, among other things, Josip Broz Tito. Mass was paid a freelance journalist who has their act called psychological, social experiment, reported the correspondent Anadolu Agency (AA).

After ten days ago in a church in Palmotićeva Street held the traditional Mass for the soul of Ustasha leader Ante Pavelic, who was accompanied by demonstrations of anti-fascist activists, Mass, where for the first time after ten years of praying for the soul of Tito has not produced any discernible social response, besides a large number of journalists and cameramen who announced the event.

Vojislav Mazzocco, activist and journalist, one of the Croatian portal, your payment Mass for Josip Broz Tito, in a brief statement on St Mark's Square, called social experiment.

"It's been 59 years since the death of Ante Pavelic in which the mass served ten days ago. More than 30 years have passed since the death of Josip Broz Tito, and still in this society joust on one thing and another. People fight, they are ready and beat, at least on the social networks. Fortunately, the battle will remain there for the time being, "said Mazzocco.
Mazzocco said he would be happiest if no one came to the evening's Mass, which, according to him, meant that the Croatian society is growing up. Anti-fascism which was led by Tito called, with independence, the most important determinant of Croatian in the 20th century.

He said he hopes to make this experiment could help society to "leave some things behind."

Cameramen and photographers nun who serves in the church of St. Mark prohibited shooting, and the Mass came the usual number of people who have not shown anything that came because the masses paid for the soul of Josip Broz Tito.