ALERT in the Balkans: Detected HAARP antenna system in Croatia, the entire Balkans in fear because of climate change!

Croatian media have reported panic text on the alleged existence of HAARP system for climate control. We carry a whole story about the work of this machine and the alleged concealment of the system, which is located at Petrova Gora

"Every day we are witnessing climate change at both local and global levels. For example, the dry leaves that he is from the trees should be eliminated in October firmly held and the strongest bora in late April. Flowers that bloom only once during the jam-packed annual heat today and flower in winter. Often hot spring day in just a few hours becomes unbearably cold and lifeless, the time disappears bird song, life dies out, the plants hibernate ... ", says site and nastavlja.Nekontrolisane floods once desert dry regions related lives while at the other end former granary of the world can not survive without the forced irrigation systems ... two days is unbearable hot and then a few days after the temperature drastically reduced, but it certainly affects both the man and the plants and the animals. All this is our reality, and no one really pays any attention to the wild weather and climate conditions. Is the reason just this?

"We got a tip on the location of HAARP in Croatia! Until recently could be found on the Google map, but the other day to artificially deleted in Photoshop! A colleague whom I will not name which we conveyed this news personally went to the car to see if this is it, and when he approached the HAARP at home was small houses with the soldiers who did not allow further questioned him that what this is about, and they said he was on a trip and got lost. He said it was very uncomfortable and he thought he would be arrested, not luck out on! Below, you can view the photos before and after fotošopiranja Google maps that people would not know the truth !! ", says newly opened Facebook page," Remove the HAARP
Croatian land!Attached are photos with coordinates of the city on whom is supposed to be HAARP system in Croatia, and it is forest owned by Croatian Woods near Petrova Gora and Karlovac. According to the authors of the page, photos show the HAARP antenna which until some time were clearly visible on Google Maps, while the second image is the current image, Photoshop HAARP removed from the picture, says Croatian portal.

- For the HAARP system most of the Croatian public heard only last year when Croatia, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina dramatically killed in floods that have only once ravaged this area. Even then, many witnesses strange rain that is in incredible amounts flowed through flooded areas were talking to "never seen anything like it," said the text. "Kish as if someone had poured from a kettle", "The rain was not falling as always but is poured in one place "are the most frequent comments of people who have tried in their own way to explain what he looked like a flood entire cities. Everyone was strange everything about flood happened because from the beginning everything looked as if someone had deliberately hit by floods just this flooded area and that in all three countries. After the flood, what is symbolically at poplavljana areas occurred at donors GMO seeds "to help" people in agriculture and whose crops are expected for a long time have not been able to grow, and after the GMO, the donor semen.

Either way then, during flooding the Croatian public and Croatian some critics warn that the HAARP system which had previously been unknown to many. Project HAARP (High-frequncy Active Auroral Research Program) was officially presented as a civilian scientific project aimed at using artificial temperature changes in the ionosphere to investigate its characteristics. According to Rosalie Bertell, president of the International Institute for the care of human health, HAARP is a mammoth heater capable of in the ionosphere make great promene.HAARP assumes device power 1.7 GW, which through a complex antenna structure can emit into the target area of the ionosphere. In this way, causing cooking ionosphere sensing radiation in the long wavelength toward Earth, which could lead to global consequences for the climate, flora and fauna, and man! What is most interesting of all.

According to numerous investigators HAARP system and is used to deliberately changing climate and weather conditions editing by human will. HAARP system was designed by Nikola Tesla and I like all of it should serve the good of humanity, is hijacked by powerful corporations now tailor the world and the climate at will. Kemtrejls in Croatia!

"These days, if you look at the sky from any place of Croatian you could see lots of kemtrejlsa every day. A dusting went: Saturday Sunday rain. So on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and again announced rain. Also in the sky these days usually HAARP sky and that, say informed, writes Croatian portal. "In fact, if you did not know, toxins and heavy metals that are released into the atmosphere kemtrejlsima serving GEOINŽINJERING, with depopulation and ingredients poisoning the planet and serves to facilitate conductivity HAARP.