Shook Europe and revealed ISIS, PUTIN AND MERKEL: Grand Master found out who was where a Masonic lodge!

This is the first time in history that a Grand Master discovered the secret of Freemasonry - who is where. It just means that the end of secrets and that evil does not hide!

Earlier this year in Italy came out scary books under nazivom- Masons in which the simplest terms unmasked the whole conspiracy in which we find ourselves.

The book shocked the public because the Grand Master himself gave a list of people who govern and those who rule the world and publicly revealed the names of their lodges from which to read only one - all together (and Putin) are working on the same goal - the creation of the New world order, while the quasi-fight 'great powers' really just a play for the masses.

Grand Master Giele Magaldi also discovered a list of politicians and corporatist who on the one hand sit in the same boxes, and on the other hand allegedly fighting. For example, the leader of ISIS in the same Masonic lodge as well such as Tony Blair and Nicolas Sarkozy.

Vladimir Putin sits in the same Masonic lodge with Angela Merkel, and he was as fierce fighting the New World Order and the Freemasons (so it only shows). Grand Master and author of the book claims to be the only goal of all politicians at the top of the world's authorities to establish the New World Order in which the elite domonirati svijetomm. Although the book made a real boom in Italy, all other media world this book are simply withheld although it nothing is hidden.

Take a look at who is where a Masonic lodge. All the people on the list, according to the author, was crucial to the establishment of the New World Order, and were harnessed from their lodges to perform tasks that go toward that goal, while they were in power.

Barack Obama (US President sat in a box "Maat" .Ovu lodge was founded by Zbiegniew Brzezinski.

Barack Obama (Russian president seated in a Masonic lodge called "Golden Eurasia").

Angela Merkel (German Chancellor acted in the same lodge "Golden Eurasia", but is also a member of the "Valhalla", "Parsifal" lodge).

Christine Lagarde (IMF director is in the lodge "Three Eyes" and "Pan-Europe").

George W. Bush (former President of the United States is in the lodge "Hathor Pentalpha").

Michael Leeden (US journalist and political expert at the lodge, "White Eagle", "Hathor Pentalpha").

Condoleezza Rice (US politician was "Three Eyes", "Hathor Pentalpha").

Madeleine Albright (US politician was "Three Eyes", "Leviathan").

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi (ISIS leader and the Islamic Caliphate sat in a box "Hathor Pentalpha").

Tony Blair (former UK Prime Minister acts in boxes "Edmund Burke," and then in "Hathor Pentalpha").

David Cameron (also former Prime Minister of the UK, in the Lodge "Edmund Burke" and "Geburah").

Mariano Rajoy (former prime minister of Spain is in the lodge "Pan-Europe", then in the lodge "Valhalla", and finally in the lodge "Parsifal").

Antonis Samaras (former Minister of Greece flourishes in the lodge, "Three Eyes").

Nicolas Sarkozy (politician and president of France from 2007 to 2012 was in the boxes, "Edmund Burke", "Geburah", "Atlantis-Aletheia", "Pan-Europe", "Hathor Pentalpha").

Manuel Valls (former French Prime Minister first was in the lodge Grand Orient de France, then in the "Edmund Burke", "Compass Star-Rose / Rosa-Stella Ventorum", "Der Ring").

Bill Gates (corporatist sitting in "Compass Star-Rose / Rosa-Stella Ventorum").

Mason of Mason - Mason have their god

Albert Pike, the leading mason world in the book entitled "Morals and Dogma" better known as "Masonic Bible" describes how Masons not only hate "our" God but serve and worship Diabol, Lucifer.

These are quotes or instructions for the Masons which clearly states that the Baal whose temples now podiižu worldwide their deity, but that he is the greatest enemy of God, the Bible. Every Masonic Lodge is a temple of religion and its teachings are religious instructions. In every stage of Masonry candidate is trying to reach the light. Masonry is a march and fight on the way to the light. The sun is an ancient symbol of generative power divine.

The worship of the Sun has become the basis of all religions of the ancient world. The sun is a hieroglyphic symbol of truth, because the source of Light. The sun, the all-seeing eye is in all of our boxes. A shining star represents a large central light that as sun worship so many people the true God, which all Masons have to worship. Osiris himself siboliziran as the sun. A God who is presented as Adonai (biblical word for our jedninog God, the Lord) God is a rival Baal and Osiris.

Lucifer, the light-! Strange and mysterious name to the spirit of Darkness. Lucifer, son of Dawn. Does the light on? Do not doubt it? - Pike writes in his book, his brothers Masons still citing the horrors - the devil, fallen Lucifer or light-. Yes, Lucifer is God, unfortunately Adonai (thought to our God). The true and pure philosophical religion is the belief in Lucifer equal of Adonai. Lucifer is the god of light and goodness, fights Adonai, the god of darkness and evil.

You do not understand what this is about? Here is what the Bible says:

"Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil. That put darkness for light and true light from the darkness. That put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter "(Isaiah 5, 20).

Do you now understand why the world affects evil?