Video: Flights F-22 Raptor still deadly

During the testing of combat aircraft fired inert AIM-9 and AIM-120 against multiple aerial targets BQM-167A.

The US naval air force completed operational testing of combat aircraft F-22 Raptor engage targets in the air, as part of a major upgrade of aircraft. Testing was conducted in the area of a polygon, Utah, was released from the air force, according to Defender . During the test aircraft F-22 fired inert AIM-9 and AIM-120 against multiple aerial targets BQM-167A.

"The threats are always evolving '

F-22 in the process of upgrading weapons systems, which will include improving the sighting capabilities and new antennas for unseen possibilities plane. "The threats are always evolving, so we have to develop our aircraft," said John Cottam, director of the F-22 at Lockheed Martin Aeronautics. Modernization of standard 3.2b is the biggest upgrade of the F-22 since it achieved initial operational capability in 2005.