There are more and more singles, many divorced people ... 11 reasons why relationships are now fragile and do not last too long

More and more singles, multiple divorced people, as well as those who have never had a real relationship. Why is it more difficult than ever to have a good love relationship today?

Reasons for dissatisfaction with relationships and the increasing number of singles are not so much in the environment as we ourselves and the unrealistic expectations we have created through popular culture. Because of these 11 reasons, today's links are smarter than before, writes Brightside.

1. They are not ready for connection

Very often people want a connection, but not compromise or unconditional love. They are not ready to make arrangements, but they want everything you imagined right away. If they do not get it, they give up and do not allow things to run. By setting the time limit and the conditions for the second half, you are writing a verdict at the start.

2. They mix love with other feelings

Very often we are looking for someone with whom we will spend their free time - go on holiday, in the cinema or go out. But this is not enough to do forever. That's why after the initial rage, many links are firing at a time when they should stabilize and people should start living together, everyday "boring" life.

3. Strokes in routine

After the initial enthusiasm, a lot of couples focus on renting an apartment, buying a car, paying an account, etc. By changing their focus, they forget to work on the relationship, and over time it's gone.

4. Expect deep love now

A mature bond, full of respect and understanding, is a product of many years of work, understanding, renunciation, and sometimes controversy. It takes time to meet a partner. The experience and the problems encountered by the couple affect the development of the relationship and the sense of security in the partner and the relationship. Today, most people feel that there is nothing in life worth the sacrifices, their time and patience, and sometimes love. Because of this, they love a deep and strong relationship with their partner, completely ignoring the process that is needed to achieve this.

5. When something gets better, go ahead

Most would prefer to spend one day in a couple of hours with more people than dedicating it to just one person. Young people are more focused on meeting new people than on developing their existing relationships, creating long-lasting friendships and true connectivity. Today, people want everything right away and are not ready to make a choice and stick to it. As soon as a better option appears, go on. They are not prepared to give themselves to others but expect people around themselves to be perfect and provide them with what they need without the effort, will, patience, and sacrifice.

6. Depend on technology

Technology has brought people together, but at the same time they have moved away from personal contact. Messages, chats, video calls, and social networks have replaced direct communication. Because of the longer time we spend online, but also because we know a lot about social networks, we have less and less time to live because we think we already know everything.

7. Availability

Some fear from being deeply involved with others and they think they are not for that. Fast lifestyle, instant knowledge, and availability of everything allowed us to constantly choose what we want again, and this is not a lifestyle we can be in a long relationship with.

8. Sexually exempted

The new generation has separated sex from love. Today, it is almost unrealistic to first get into a sexual relationship and then decide whether to continue and deepen a relationship with a partner. They are often not ready to devote their lives to a person because they are constantly questioning whether there is any better one.

9. They rely on logic

Rarely, who feels secure enough today to give up one partner and connect with all the heart. This requires courage and determination to fight against all obstacles and life insecurities together.

10. Colors are all

Newer generation is afraid of new connections, opening to others, disappointment, emotional insecurity and broken heart. Therefore, they are reluctant to leave and leave their love. We build walls to protect them, but through them we can not live everything that life offers.

11. We do not appreciate the links

Disillusionment with people leads to a slight interruption with partners who love and respect us.