Ilija Jurisic sues Serbia: Vukcevic has to pay damages

The Trial Chamber of the High Court in Belgrade, following its preparatory session, held the first hearing on the case of Ilije Jurišić against the Republic of Serbia on Thursday. At today's hearing, Ilija Jurišić said that the arrest on May 11, 2007 at Belgrade's Nikola Tesla Airport was a real shock to him as well as his family because the arrest was carried out in a very rough way in the presence of his wife Stoja, son, And no one knew what made him open.

"I spent 3.5 years in custody and this is the toughest period of my life. I can not say that someone was physically abused in custody, but there was always someone who was in the battlefield and for whom I was the enemy who killed the Serbs I went into custody and got out of custody as a tough patient who is almost finished in hospital treatment, as evidenced by the attached medical records, "Jurišić told Judge.

At the end of his speech, Ilija Jurisic stressed that there is no money that can pay the injustice done to him and his family, and that he would want the compensation he claims to pay for the one who brought him to this situation and knew that he was not guilty of any Criminal offense. "This is the former prosecutor Vladimir Vukčević who, after being arrested, summoned the press conference and told reporters that he was arrested by a monster from Tuzla and after his release from custody he said that he knows I am a collateral damage in relations between the two states," he said Is Jurišić.

The trial process lasted for 10 years

Tuzlak Ilija Jurišić was arrested in Belgrade in 2007 under the accusation that he committed a war crime during the conflict between the members of the town's defense and the abandoned army, all that happened on May 15, 1992 in Brcko Malta. Up to the final acquittal, the court process lasted for 10 years, of which Jurišić spent 3.5 years in custody. By the decision of the Appellate Court in Belgrade, he was absolved of any responsibility and therefore he filed a lawsuit against the Republic of Serbia in cooperation with his lawyer Djordje Dozet.

In the previous court case, the lawsuit was represented by Milan Petrović, Deputy Prosecutor for War Crimes of the Republic of Serbia, who after a compromising trial was a candidate for the post of first man in the Serbian War Crimes Prosecution Office, but did not receive a vote at the Serbian Assembly Is from the Foundation of Truth, Justice, Reconciliation from Tuzla.