Eight Most Common Reasons For Swinging Your Leg: How To Stop It And Do not Treat It

Swelling of the leg during the summer months is more frequent than in winter, and with difficulty in movement and pain can be a serious indication of liver cirrhosis, kidney problems or heart failure.

Swelling of the leg is often taken lightly, as most people consider it to happen only because of the heat. But, swollen legs can also point to some health problems that you should not ignore. Edem The condition is where the body retains too much water. I can get your legs, hands, and face. Water retention occurs most often after a long ride on a plane or long standing. Generally the swelling is withdrawn by itself, but sometimes it is retained, which may be a sign of low levels of protein, heart failure or kidney and liver disease.

Injuries If you stumble or fall off, a swollen foot may be a sign of fracture or bruising. The foot and the wrist will swell, because the blood will gather at the part around the spine to accelerate the healing. If you feel severe pain, you can not stand on your foot or it does not seem to you, it's probably a fracture, and you should need a doctor as soon as possible! Pregnancy The natural part of pregnancy is the swelling of the foot as the female body retains more water during this period of life. Swelling may worsen in the evening or if you stand for a long time.

It is generally not a sign of a problem for either the mother or the child, but it can be embarrassing and painful. Preeclampsia If a swelling of the leg in pregnancy follows headache, dizziness, general weakness or abdominal pain, this could be a sign of preeclampsia. It is characterized by a reduced blood flow to the placenta, which can result in a stagnation in the growth of the child. It starts about 20 weeks of pregnancy and is associated with high blood pressure.

Lymphadema This is a condition that occurs if one or more lymph nodes are damaged or removed, which is usually the case during cancer treatment. The body then rejects less and less water, which can result in swelling of the arm, leg and foot. One of the treatments for this condition is pneumatic compression. I can help both exercise and massage. Heart failure It occurs if the heart does not pump blood as it should. If the blood does not flow in the right direction, it can accumulate in the feet and cause swelling. People with this problem are uncomfortable lying on their backs, the heart can accelerate the rhythm of pumping to establish normal blood flow and it is possible that you will miss the air. If you notice any of these symptoms, contact your doctor or emergency department immediately.

Liver disease If a person has some liver disease or hepatitis, the liver must be repaired permanently. In this situation, the damaged tissue can replace healthy tissue, and the consequence of this is slow motion. If this happens, excess water will accumulate in the stomach, legs and feet, causing the whole body to swell.

Kidney Problems The role of the kidney is to filter waste from the blood. If they do not do their job well, because of conditions such as diabetes or high blood pressure, blood can remain too salt. This causes water retention in the body and the whole body swells. Gravity draws water to the ground and into the legs.