It's time to meet him: This is the creator of the HIV / AIDS most deadly virus in history

It's time to meet him: This is the creator of the HIV / AIDS most deadly virus in history

One investigative documentary has awakened doubts that American scientist Robert Gallo created and did not detect HIV / AIDS virus in the seventies of last century

HIV virus is actually created as a biological weapon by scientists to depopulate, the document says.

The documentary maker talked to Dr. Gallagher, and he answered the questions in such a way that it was almost clear that he had created a virus.

"I've always believed that HIV, cancer and other chronic diseases are incurable. It would be best to examine the history of South Africa and the HIV epidemic ... the racial discrimination policy has been replaced by the HIV epidemic in the black community, "says one of the comments on the documentary.

Of course, there were those who did not support this theory among the commentators and claim that the film convinced them exactly the opposite.

The article with writes:

"In April 1984, Dr. Robert Gallo filed a patent application in the United States for his invention - the HIV / AIDS virus. When a patent is granted, as was the case with Dr. Gallo's patent, anyone who uses the product owes money to the inventor. So many are now wondering why Dr. Gallo has not yet filed a lawsuit for the unauthorized use of his invention? "

Scientific evidence is complete and convincing. AIDS virus is a side product created during the US Special Virus program. The Special Virus Program was a federal virus development program that lasted from 1962 to 1978 in the United States.

The resulting virus was then added to the vaccine in Africa and Manhattan, and soon the entire world was infected with a human retrovirus infection that differed from all previous illnesses since it was highly contagious and could kill it.

Special Virus documents show that the US is looking for a virus that will negatively affect the immune system.

World scientists have recently confirmed with 100% confidence that AIDS was created in the lab, and one of the evidence is the work of Dr. Gallo of 1971 entitled "reverse transcriptase of C-type virus particle C".

His 1971 work contains identical data as his 1984 application.

Special Virus documents are indisputable proof that the US has dealt with a secret depopulation plan.

In fact, the victims are not the US, but the US has to pay for victims who intentionally infected.

Between 1964 and 1978, $ 550 million was spent on this secret federal program to invent AIDS. It is now necessary to spend much more to stop this virus.

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