Französisch gegen "Black Friday"

Französisch gegen "Black Friday"

As the world is spreading fever shopping at "Black Friday", France has also emerged as a movement among traders who oppose the shame imported from the United States.

French association "Zero Waste France" has collected thousands of entrepreneurs and black boyfriends for the "Black Friday" boycott in the online petition "Do not count on me on Black Friday," AP reported. The French furniture store, Camif, closed its 24-hour web site today from protests over a consumer day imported from America.

The head of production at Camif Frederik Emery said that "Black Friday" is an example of consumerism and that "it is not a part of French culture." Black Friday, as a day of great discounts, expanded to a whole world from the United States, although it is linked to Thanksgiving in that country. The day after Thanksgiving is the beginning of the Christmas shopping season and the day has become the day with the highest turnover in stores....