Hahn: The Balkans could enter the EU in 2025

Hahn: The Balkans could enter the EU in 2025

European Commissioner for Enlargement and Neighborhood Policy Johanness Hahn said in an interview for the Austrian "Kurrier" to enable Western Balkan countries to enter the European Union in 2025.

- The President of the European Commission mentioned the year as an opportunity. This is realistic and ambitious, "Hahn said.

He, speaking of the influence of the European Union on global events, compared with the United States and Russia, said the influence of Russia was overestimated.

- Yes, the influence is overrated, but US isolationism gives the EU the opportunity to play a much more active role - Hahn said.

Asked to comment on the formation of a new government in Austria, Hahn said that the most important works were.

- If everything goes according to the government program, it will be fine. We see this as a challenge rather than a problem - he said, answering the question of entering the radical right-wing party FPO into power.