RESEARCH: Food is designed to kill! The result is mass madness and retardation of people!

RESEARCH: Food is designed to kill! The result is mass madness and retardation of people!

This is a completely deliberate formulation of toxic toxins in products that are widely used worldwide. " The result of this is what we see: "Mass madness, the rise of crime, the collapse of mass workforce, the increase of taxpayer addicts, the collapse of democracy that can not come to life due to the cognitive retardation of masses that have the right to vote ....

After Independent American Laboratory Natural News analyzed more than 1000 types of different foods, from "super" food to junk foods through vitamins, cereals and everything that is now offered under the label "Food", Mike Adams, the doctor and chief scientist of this lab came to one single conclusion; "Food today is designed to kill!"

"Based on what I've seen through atomic spectroscopy and the analysis of all the substances that people consume on a daily basis, I have to say in a rough way that the situation is really alarming," Adams says, adding, "I proved that food was deliberately designed today without a man using it he survived, just the opposite, to kill him as soon as possible. "

Adams told the public that research by his laboratory, which has been in the pipeline for many years, has shown frightening facts, for example, food today causes death, mental illnesses such as dementia, stress, depression, and spreading infertility, to the detriment of some organs, but also what is most important, is the loss of the ability of a person to think rationally; there is obstruction, lack of concentration, etc.

There are skin diseases, tumors, strokes and all other attacks behind the word "Food". "It's a lot more than analyzes have been shown, from food contamination by heavy metals that people consume daily, and which lead to the grave in itself.

This is a completely deliberate formulation of toxic poisons in products that are massively used worldwide. "As a result, Adams claims what we see:" Mass madness, increase in crime, the collapse of mass labor, the increase in drug addicts, the collapse of democracy which can not come to life due to the cognitive retardation of voting masses, the rise of the prison population, but also a complete collapse of the general public's ability to grasp the basic information served in the mainstream media. "

The long-term consequences of this widespread food poisoning are warned by Adams: "The complete ruin of a modern human civilization, from the more reassuring; economic insecurity, ecological destruction, mass depopulation of the population, and political violence that is increasingly common, and the last example we have in Ukraine. Yes, it's all because of food! "

The frightening toxins that a human being will consume!
For example. In his detailed analysis carried out by the Adams Laboratory, he mentions a large amount of "chemical compounds from a yoghringer", which are used in subways, but in their widely distributed fast food, from restaurants, over, bread, pastry, salami , cheeses and everything dry and fleshy that you can find on the shelves of the shop.

Also in large quantities in the same foodstuffs, a large amount of cancerous chemical azodicarbonamide has been found. But it's not by accident, but, Adams says, that chemical compound is intentionally placed without any need in food for mass consumption. "There is no logical reason why chemicals called azodicarbonamide should be added, for example, bread or baking, and salami, it does not chemically serve these foods and has no nutritional or protective purpose. It seems he adds it only as a poison to hundreds of millions of consumers who consume it unnecessarily. "

Adams was especially based on vitamins and so-called healthy foods that were also poisoned. For example, popular artificial vitamins that people use as dietary supplements are so badly wounded by copper that it is incredible. Vitamins are taken on a daily basis, and such copper consumption leads to mental madness and psychosis. Of course, when people suffering from vitamin A mental illnesses are turning to the same drug poison.

The plants you buy are poisoned by lead, Adams claims, based on research by his lab. Plants were treated with various additives from China filled with lead. Adams warns that as much as 90 percent of the plants tested had a worrying lead level in themselves. As he says, lead is a heavy metal that damages the human brain. It causes dementia and Alzheimer's and accelerates the breakdown of the human brain. It's terrifying to use people, Adams notes.

These are just some of the results of this research. But this spectroscopic laboratory found something else. And these are large amounts of aluminum in the air and on agricultural surfaces, which fall directly from the sky. Adams claims that his research has confirmed that the planet, the earth and the air are covered with aluminum.

Air is measured inside the laboratory, outside the building, around agricultural surfaces, and it has been proven that aluminum is everywhere, we can not avoid it, but the highest concentrations are naturally around crops, which proves that crops are especially treated with toxic chemicals like aluminum. For all those who do not know Adams warns that inhalation and consumption of aluminum is the cause of degenerative brain disorders, the entire human population.

You can read the shocking and long-term research of this laboratory HERE.

Food as a weapon!
As you can see from these small examples, food is now being used as a weapon against humanity. It is a very obnoxious and silent war against humanity, very well disguised, and the consequences are terrible. The food we eat changes the human being, and thus the reality we live in.

The First World War was run in trenches with soldiers and real weapons of lead! The Second World War was deliberately provoked and genocidal. The battle was led by advanced kinetic weapons, but also by chemical weapons designed by the pharmaceutical industry. After the Second World War and the Nazi era, the war is apparently concealed, and the leaders of the Nazi era are establishing a pharmaceutical industry that holds both food and medicine in the world. The Third World War is in progress. It is taking place right now against every living being.

The solution is the mass awakening, God's providence, which they did not count on when they began to put poisons in the food for the mass retardation of the population.