Lady Gaga revealed how the elite creates division and hatred among people and based on it the world rules

Lady Gaga revealed how the elite creates division and hatred among people and based on it the world rules

When you look at what's happening around the world right now, it's very easy to see that we are divided

We are divided into our race, our religion, our sex, our culture, our sexual orientation, our beliefs about nutritional preferences, and so on. Such divisions reinforce the mainstream media that always encourage us to fear and hate other groups, religions or nationalities around the world, and thus keep us in a state of panic. This fear and panic that only encourages food is that entity that we call 'evil' and 'hatred'.

Before we dive into it, there is no secret that Gaga has, in many ways, sold to the industry with hidden motives and plans. She was also a pawn of this industry, spent rituals and other things for the elite before millions of viewers. But it is great, but because many in the movement of "truths" must begin to grasp, to pass through a shift that will change things, people and businesses as their consciousness changes and changes.

This change helps to change the way people see things. Writing to any person, company, or thing as "eternal evil" as many do, will only keep us in the belief that things will never and can not be changed. In the video below, Lady Gaga emphasizes that this "evil entity of elite" is designed, how it works and what we can do as a collective to stop it being fed, because if we stop adding "oil to fire" by denying what it wants, it will eventually burn . This is a very important message that needs to be considered.

"We need to change our perspective. The solution is that we need to build a better and brave world. We need to get rid of these tags, these different fractions, gay, hetero, rich, poor, mentally ill, mentally healthy, pistol owners, and those who do not have weapons. None of this matters anymore. We are united in our humanity and the only thing we all know, we all appreciate one another's kindness to others. "

It's easier to say than do?

You may be thinking of 'I can live without judging others and giving kindness, but many people can not see the difference in others'. But do not worry about them, keep living your truth, and recognize that everything you judge about others often reflects your traits. If you choose goodness even when not expected of you, and you maintain it, it reduces the appearance of evil in the world. This will in turn affect many other people. We are all beings on this planet - and how can we ever end these wars if we are continuously divided instead of assembling as a whole, like humanity?

We definitely do not say that war is really a good idea because it is actually the killing of people and war is the best way to find peace - the dumbest thing that existed on planet Earth. Literally. The division of illusion keeps us divided. We need to go a long way to understand this truth, but at least people began to wake up in this truth. Spread love, spread kindness, be compassionate. We are all equal beings on this planet.

Make a change inside yourself.

A lot of love.