"the greatest unpaid workforce in the history of mankind".

"the greatest unpaid workforce in the history of mankind".

It's no secret that Facebook earns money that we, ordinary mortals, can only dream of. However, it's worth wondering where "Facebook" has so much money, apart from the ads it charges.

The answer may be a bit daunting: our personal information. In other words, what we give for free, they get millions for it. Namely, in the world of social networks users are literally a machine for money, even when they do not buy anything. The reason for this is that social networks are an extremely important and extensive tool for marketing research.

Each time you click "like", "share", join a fan page, or even add a new friend, you create a new set of statistics for which large corporations will offer huge money to get it, Avaz reports.

Here's the exact value of your profile.

Only your presence is worth around $ 81
Each of your friends on the profile is worth about $ 0.62
Each of your "like" is worth about $ 0.03

On average, each profile is worth $ 1,800, and a serious business group or site is worth $ 3.1 million.

Watching and following Facebook's growth in the past three years, it is estimated that they have collected 2.11 billion of information they can sell. In this way, Facebook earns about $ 1.2 million a day from the free work of its users, creating what the Wall Street Journal calls "the largest unpaid labor force in the history of mankind."