Every time I get sick when I come to BiH, I feel like a cash machine: Everybody wants to scratch, even for German candy ...

Every time I get sick when I come to BiH, I feel like a cash machine: Everybody wants to scratch, even for German candy ...

And so it's always, since the first day of my departure to Germany. I can not wait to come home, to see the closest, remember my childhood and youth, and then, every time the same. Stupid questions and subtle hand. Really like they're falling from the branches

Bosnia and Herzegovina is one of the countries that can boast a huge and diabolical diaspora. But also, it is a country that does not use its diaspora, which takes away not only what is superficial - money and gifts.

There is no systematic work with emigrants, and everything is reduced to payments and payments. It is not necessary to hide the fact that a large part of the population of our homeland lives from the family, relatives and friends living in wealthy countries, working and honestly, often difficult, earning their money.

One reader of portal BHDijaspora.net has decided in a few sentences to describe his feelings when he comes to BiH. His suffering and his pain when he sees what they expect of him. Read the letter below ...

"I'm tired anymore, whenever I come to my country I feel like a cash machine, all of us are looking for something, so widespread palms, glances and requests. It's like they grow on our branches. I'm sick of the relatives that I did not know, of the members of the family whom I suddenly care about. Everyone wants to say hello, embrace and scratch at least for German sweets. It's like there is no sweets in Bosnia.

And so it's always, since the first day of my departure to Germany. I can not wait to come home, to see the closest, remember my childhood and youth, and then, every time the same. Stupid questions and subtle hand. Really like they're falling from the branches.

And the state, as if trying to disrupt us. Every time it's worse, every time I get rid of it when I get home. Everything is worse and worse. Well at least ways to fix it. At least those houses at the borders look like human rather than animal dwellings. And those people at the customs offices. As soon as they see us coming from the Diaspora ... Uh!

And my city no longer looks like myself. No water. Do not believe it. There is no water, and water is a hat from all the hills around the Shepherd! By the water we are known in the world, we have Una, Drina, Neretva, Sana, Bosnia, Vrbas, Trebišnjica. He had a Jal, Spreču. We have a Rakitnicu. We all have them, and we have no water.

Everyone is complaining and not good to anyone. Nothing is good and nothing will be better. I'm sick of those stories while the arable land is abandoned, I'm sick of those stories until the forests are cracked and destroyed. I'm getting back from a non-worker and a complainant while the bars are full. And everyone is barely waiting for the sun to appear in the sky to bring the gardens into the streets and drink coffee. A full city of some gardens! In the middle of the street they brought them ...

I've been struggling for a long time. Does it make sense to come here more. Each time, the same story is always worse. Homeland, what are you doing to make us your biggest investors? Why are you trying to drive us away? Homeland, all the less homeless. I'm sad"…