Tragic love story in BiH: Elmir threw himself into the river because of forbidden love

Tragic love story in BiH: Elmir threw himself into the river because of forbidden love

It's been exactly five years since the 24-year-old Elmir Čobić from Puračić, due to forbidden love, threw himself into the deep and cold river Bosnu from the Japanese bridge in Doboj.

Three men were searching for the body of the young men in the RS police, RK "Modrac" from Lukavac and Kotor skeledzija, but the body was never found, writes Dnevni Avaz.

Emin and Mevla's parents, and their relatives, have been in pain for five years, and they live in the hope that the body will be found, and that the young man will be treated by the Jane.

Every January 8, and so this morning, the relatives come to the bridge from which the young Bambi, as they called him, threw himself into death, cried, and in the river they roamed for Elmira.