Impaired Pharmacy: He first healed himself from cancer, and today he helps patients from all over the world.

Impaired Pharmacy: He first healed himself from cancer, and today he helps patients from all over the world.

Another example of the return of nature and the treatment of the most serious, life-threatening diseases, all without the help of the corporate profit-making pharmaceutical industry

Apart from being known for its preparations on the plant base, Adem is also extremely successful in energy medicine, kinesitherapy, and reflexotherapy.

It proudly claims that these four branches of alternative medicine successfully treat thrombosis, asthma, heart disease, blood pressure, body aches, headaches, migraines, mental disorders and even carcinoma

There are few diseases for which Tuzlanski herbalist Adem Ahmičević does not have a solution, and for this reason, we will say "unfortunately," his practice is always packed with patients. The order in the office, the crowd on the access road, and the columns of cars in which patiently riding drivers with different diagnoses and needs - everyday life are with this famous national doctor.

This challenge and responsibility is enormous - be the last hope of a cancer-dying or forty-year-old woman who desperately wants a baby because her biological clock expires quickly, and modern medicine has given it the maximum. For them, as well as for everyone else, Adem will offer the appropriate remedy.

I have enough knowledge and patience to help everyone, "Adam says.

The path of this phytotherapist and the kinesiotherapist to the world of alternative medicine happened because of his own need. Namely, for 20 years, Adem was suffering from colon and prostate cancer. In the mid-'70s, when doctors had already raised their hands from his case, Adem remembered childhood and mother's herbal recipes for many illnesses.

I decided in alternative ways of healing to seek salvation for myself. And I found him in the recipes of my mother, and with the help of my friend Chiao Xiu Yang, I began to study kinesitherapy - remember Adem of his occasions.

Everything is in the head

In 1985, with the help of mehlem, natural syrup and a combination of kinesitherapy he worked for himself, he emerged as a winner of a severe illness.

The doctors who followed my case were left without a word, Ahmičević remembers.

Victory over his own illness gave him a "wind in the back" when it comes to dealing with this business. The people who have written off the official medicine have been in the past decade and still have a cure at Adem.

Whether it's migraine, cancer, tumors, psychosomatic disorders, nervousness, prostate diseases, asthma, bronchitis and other lung diseases, bone problems, liver, cysts, hemorrhoids ... Adem has a drug.

And besides being known for its preparations on the plant base, Adem is also extremely successful in energy medicine, kinesitherapy and reflexotherapy. It proudly claims that these four branches of alternative medicine successfully treat thrombosis, asthma, heart disease, blood pressure, body aches, headaches, migraines, mental disorders and even carcinoma.

It's a long list of diseases I'm helping. I can dare to say that even 90 percent of the diseases can be treated - says Adem.

Do not drink pills
It further emphasizes that the patient's faith in healing is in the first place. Without it, everything is questionable.

In order for my natural remedies to work, in order for energy to open the chakras, direct the life energy to circulate in the right direction and fill a sick place with healthy energy, the patient must believe that he will be cured with me. Believe me, the brain is a real miracle - explains the traitor Adem.

Treatment with natural medicine, as Adem says, is longer, but is therefore extremely effective. It advises that the pills drink as little as they can cause even more problems.

Say, when your headache hurts, do not drink your pills. Headache means you have a health problem. By drinking the pain pill you overlap the connection of the brain and the location of the problem. So the pain disappears, but the cause remains in the body. Headache often means that you have excess or lack of energy in that center. You can regulate this easily, breathing technique - advises national travar Adem Ahmičević.

The work of this valued alternative has been following our list since 2007. Numerous touching confessions have been published, testimonies of successful work, tips ... Some of them will be recalled briefly.

Herbal Therapy Strengthens From Prostate Cancer!

I was suffering from prostate cancer four years ago. The doctors tried to help me, but the disease progressed faster. The pains were so strong that every time I thought I would not endure it. My friends sent me to Adem Ahmičević in Tuzla, who gave me tinctures, teas, radio kinesitherapy treatments. After his treatments, I was reborn. Today, I'm fine, for the sake of prevention, I'm still taking Adem's teas. Thank you, dear God, for sending me to Adem - said FZ (61) from Novi Sad.

Teas and tinctures "revived" cells

My immune system was in total chaos. Laiki, doctors explained to me that the cells that were supposed to defend my body, they turned against me. I also treated the MMA, but without success. At the beginning of this year, I traveled with Adem Ahmičević in Tuzla. It was my lucky day. After a few kurts of his therapies, me