Word of the occupation: The cold-blooded Israeli deceiving the world

Palestinian writer Susan Abulhawa analyzes Israeli language of force and conquest.
By Susan Abulhawa

Language socio-political constructs is rarely just a collection of words, so that there show the reality. More often, the infrastructure of thought, pronounced in a way to facilitate or exclude specific ideas.

If naseljeničkog colonial business, choice of words was very deliberate and precise in order to create moral syntax for contextualizing of ethnic cleansing and colonization.

Israeli colonizing Palestine followed the test colonial narratives that first describe the conquered lands as uninhabited border hardworking outsiders, filled with romantic language that, for example, describes a "blossoming desert".

The creation of Israel's recent foreign immigrants in Palestine received a special sentimental dimension in the West, since they were created on the basis of (and as a result of) the European genocide against its own Jewish population.

The story of "land without people for a people without land" was the perfect result of a terrible chapter of European history. It was a happy end of the story, one that has helped to die with his conscience.

It was the only story that the West wanted (or willing) to hear.

But it is false.

Physical removal

Palestine already has a great history that has created broad society whose character is created organically, through thousands of years of documented existence of submission, moving, birth of religions, religious changes, settlements, wars, crusades and natural migration.

This was a population of farmers and professionals, scientists and technicians, literate and illiterate, residents of cities and villages.

It was a mixed society, where people of different religions, ethnic and racial history lived together in relative harmony.

For many centuries, Palestine was the subject of war and the target of invaders who have come and gone, but in the meantime mix with the local residents and left his mark in the genetic, cultural and even linguistic factors of the Palestinian people.

The only way that could create an exclusive and exclusive Jewish state to launch a physical removal of that subsidiary as early started 1947 very skilled and highly-paid armed groups of European Jews.

When the fledgling Arab nations intervened on behalf of their Palestinian brothers, their disorganized, less and less power, with outdated weapons, were rivals of the emerging Jewish state.

The axiom that history is written by the victors, this moment it became known as Israel's war of "independence". This is perhaps the only time in history when a group of foreigners inflammation and conquered the country, took its cities and gardens, and then declared "independence" of the indigenous people of that country.

Thus begins linguistic perversions that continues to subsidize and promote violence.

Renaming places and people

After the expulsion, as Professor Julie peteer explains in his book "The appointment of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict," the settler-colonial narrative typically denies the existence of a native population.

For Israel, there is some vehemence, vigor, in this denial, which continued to propagate even after the indigenous Palestinian narrative began to emerge in the minds of the West. The most famous case of this is the declaration of Golda Meir when she said: "There were no such people as Palestinians. They did not exist. "

Ironically, Meir was born in Russia and those words were spoken during an interview with the Sunday Times in 1969 at Villa Harun al-Rashid, abducted a Palestinian house belonging to the family of George Bisharat.

Extensive destruction and theft of Palestinian heritage were carried out systematically and indiscriminately.

As Suad Amiry writes in "Golda was sleeping here," Meir made an effort to polish Damask inscriptions in Arabic in a villa, which were located on the second floor, in order to hide the fact that she, in fact, lives in the Arab home when her general UN Secretary Dag Hammarskjold came to visit.

The Zionists have made incredible linguistic change and reconstruction in what is included and the renaming of almost every Palestinian village and a geographic term.

Also, there has been a change in the names of individuals to the party made the natives.

Russians Golda Mabovič, Ariel Šejnerman and Moshe Smolańska became Golda Meir, Ariel Sharon and Moshe Ya'alon. Poljak David Gruen became David Ben-Gurion. Belarusians Nathan Mileikovski became Nathan Netanyahu, grandfather Benjamin Netanyahu.

Committee names

This wanton renaming of places and people to be devised ever new ways the story of the origin and legitimacy was so extensive that the Zionists established the Committee for the names to oversee incredibly changing history in a way that connected the faith with racial and ethnic identity.

In this way the Jews, with thousands of years of European history, European intellect and artistic achievements, European culture and European heritage, created a story of biblical proportions to colonize land that has already been settled by other nations.

It is unfathomable tale of exiled people who, in more than 3,000 years, did not change the time, place, history or local life, which is finally "returns" a distant land to which they had no identifiable familial, cultural, genetic or legal relationship.

And so, somehow, this claim outstripped indigenous Palestinian society that lived there and built up the country over the past century.

The only thing that allowed such a counterfeit, non-permanent and inconsistent story before a documented historical time frame is meticulous, cold-blooded grammatical delusion that only language can be achieved.

No weapon could produce usurpation of the whole country, together with her books, houses, villas, languages, religious transition, authentic food, dance and customs. Truly breathtaking when you consider what we do everything at the same time.

In her excellent study renaming Palestine, Professor Julie Pete writes: The Zionist project to create a link between contemporary Jewish communities and land the Palestinians was a project of incredible restatement of language, location and connection with him, and proper names and identity. "

About conflicts and lies

Researchers have long emphasized the pattern of colonial rhetoric that represents natives as backward, primitive, wild and irrational and inexplicable violence, which was made when the initial story of untouched, virgin countries fell apart because of the response of indigenous people, and that is the end of violence against settlers who steal land and resources.

This is exactly why there because the Palestinians finally rise up against bullies and language denial was no longer possible.

Therefore, there is a change in idle talk about terrorists.

Such a narrative is there some time, until the first Intifada, which was mostly nonviolent. Pervasive images of small boys who oppose tanks with rocks eroded the Israeli claims about the existential threats from terrorists.

Thus was created the language of negotiations. Perhaps a word of a new direction which is the most dangerous, the most insidious and the most creates misconceptions is the word "conflict".

Conflict creates a sense of parity two equal things that they do not agree.

The conflict took place between Germany and Russia in early 1940s. The same was true in the 1980s when the cold conflict were the United States and Russia. The vast difference in power between Israel and the Palestinian indigenous population should exclude intelligent use of these words.

Insidious deception

Israel is a militarized society with the most advanced weapons known. He has significant political and economic force in the US, and therefore the world.

Palestinians have no army, no air force or navy. They are poor, take away their natural resources and livelihoods.

They have no political power or force. They are under siege, a controlled, exiled, imprisoned and oppressed people and have no real defense against the racist state that is still very clear in my anger and contempt for the Palestinian existence.

Therefore, to speak about Zionism as the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians, as well as saying that the apartheid conflict between white and black Južnoafrikaca; or to say that Nazism was a conflict between Jewish and Aryan Germans; or that segregation and Jim Crow were a conflict between white and black Americans.

Using the word "conflict" in the normal discourse of Zionism (and the author of this article is also to blame for it) is an insidious deception from which all covert words springing "neighborhood" to describe illegal colonies; "Conflicts" to describe Israel's military attacks on unarmed Palestinians in their villages; "Self-defense" to describe the massive bombing of life and environmental infrastructure; "The security fence" to describe the separatist wall which kidnaps the earth; "Civilians" to describe illegal paramilitary settlers.

What is the conflict of the Western media, we are talking about the destruction of an entire people; erasing its history; removing known and designated geographic and socio-cultural environment that existed since the early antiquity.

Threatened with extinction

Zionism is racism, apartheid, Jim Crow and this is the fundamental thing Israel.

You should no longer tolerate the use of the word "conflict".

Immigrants who come from Europe are not fighting a war for independence.

These are not neighborhoods. These are separate, purely Jewish, illegal colonies built on stolen Palestinian land.

We are not terrorists. We are indigenous company that is fighting against those who terrorize us since they arrived on our shores; we have people who are threatened with extinction and that we are fighting for our lives against foreigners who come to our country, with the faith that God has bestowed upon the inalienable right to an additional state.

The rejection of the colonial verbiage, his fairy tales and myths, no matter how absurd and illogical, is not an easy task. In the words of Steven Salatia: "Normative liar always has more authority in the colonial societies of rebellious subjects".

However, the continuation of the approval or only repeat the language of force, which despises the fight for social justice can not be an option. Research embedded colonial term and conscientious use of language struggles of indigenous peoples must accompany all we do.