

April 16th - Never Forget

It was 6 am, April 16th,When my childhood dream,Was broken by the scream,Boots through the door,Yelling and shooting,Men with dark masks,Started executing,We were all scarred,Had no time to react,Did not truly realize,We were under attack,Rushed into the basement,With the pajamas on,We waited and hid,Did not have time to mourn,House was burning, falling debris,The smell of smoke made my little brother scream,He was just a baby did not really know,The killer enemy was coming through the door,Come…



Your love is all I want,Your love is all I need,Your love brings me luck,Your love lets me breathe,You are a woman full of emotion and passion,A woman whose tears of joy shape me like a little toy,A woman who NEVER QUITS, no matter how hard the life hits,A woman who raised me with the right values,Respect, honesty, education is what keeps giving me an insipration,An inspiration to do better in life and reach for the stars,Taking a journey, with you by my side,Day will come when I have to enter t…



Život je vreća puna radosti i tuge,Život je kolaž našeg uma i duše,Život je pečat našeg postojanja,Život je žirant našeg dugovanja,Život se živi bez kajanja i dvouma,Život se dijeli sa ljudima dobrima,Život se mora cijeniti i poštovati,U životu se nikada netreba predati,Živi život kao da ti je zadnji dan,Živi ga bolan kao čovjek dostojan,Živi ga haveru bez svađa i drame,Živi ga poput onog Dali Lame,U životu nemožeš imati sve,Život ima svoje prepreke,Nemoj nikada optuživati druge,Za svoj život i…


Suit and Tie

Heading out in my suit and tie,To mingle with the crowd so fly,It is time to show those who thought,Hard work, dedication would not pay off,Don’t worry anymore young fella,The rainy days are past you, you have an umbrella,Keep spreading the message of knowledge and education,Be a role model, an inspiration,Sleepless nights, study sessions and projects,Are the steps you must take,They are a shortcut to your success, ameliorate,Once you realize you are doing it for yourself and not a grade,All the…



Doletite laste,donesite name miris proljeca i mira,nama djeci i ostalim svima,Da nam suma prolista,behar zamirise,da se kacuni i visibabe probude,da mi mladi zaboravimo dane lude,Da ostanemo zivi i zdravi,i moj braco, seka, mama i tata,zaboravit cu dane rata.~Zee~


Pozitivni Start

Sjedim, gledam kroz prozor,U mome umu bruji nervoza,Iako sam spreman za ovu avanturu,Moje covjecanstvo me pravi dojstojnim,Za novo poglavlje moga zivotaKao ptica cu da poletim za koji minut,Obnavljati ono sto vec znam, triput,Biti spreman na bilo sta sto me ceka,U veoma bliskoj buducnostiSjetih se zezancije mojih najmilijih,‘…ako se pripremis nema sta da se dvoumis,Tvoje znanje ce izaci na povrsinu,Poput one trave sto si je posijo i zalijo’…SMIJEM SE!Masina bruji, zvuk strahota,Akceleracija ptic…