

Love comes when one deserves love...

Love comes when one deserves love...There is no project called L.O.V.E,One can not obtain the knowledge without going through it all,One knows love the day it knocks you down,Like a heaven sent gift from God,People will have different versions,People will try to trick you with words,But love is just a feeling,Sleepless nights,Crazy fights,Passion is not the only thing that follows with real love,When you and that someone,Cross each others paths,You shall know,Without that someone you will not ma…


By the grace of Allah...

By the grace of Allah...What is a man without his connection to the One,Creator of the worlds,The Provider,The Designer of beauty,The Protector of the believers,The One that sees all and knows all,Maker of destiny,What is a man without faith,But a empty shell,Trying to prove he can make it on his own,That ain't gonna happen,Man without God is a lost soul,In search for nothing,On his way to nothing,Collecting on all the evils,That one day will be proof laid in front of him,Speaking against h…


Winds of change...or a change of winds..

Winds of change...or a change of winds..Once you meant something to me,You still do,But you and me cannot be,You are like a wind,My heart will not,Will not allow a sudden change of heart,You do as you wish,Your wish was something else,Now my darling,Go with the wind of change,I have closed the gateway to my inner soul,Once open for you,Now even you will be treated as a stranger,Once so known,Like a lifetime we shared,In a moment of eternity,I will not forget the feeling,But your face will by the…


There is a point of no return...for every situation..

There is a point of no return...for every situation..One word drops,Second one comes,There you are,Standing in front a barrage of stones thrown at you,Wonder why that is,In a world of deception,You will not mind,Used to that occurrence,Fall you will not into the depths of darkness,One comes,So will the second,Third and so on,Let a pitiful soul whine,A falsehood never means what it hides,Look forward...a new day will the grace of God! //Melek 2013-11-18


Today I saw...

Today I saw...I saw a car carrying a casket,All in black,Old and young looked as it passed,Like a bad omen,A sign of truth,What awaits all men,God said;All men shall taste death,Yet man lives like he is forever,Yet man collects wealth,Like it will stay his,Man lies to himself,Devil whispers little lovely,And sweet fairy tales,Till his last breath man takes in that poison,The man in the casket,Woke up to another world,A reality he wasted his whole life to cover up,Running,Running,But hide we cann…


Suffering belongs not to the strong...

Suffering belongs not to the strong...People come and go,Sweet and sour,Good and evil,Protected by God,Or protected by the wicked ones,They will seam as being good,Or they will seam as being evil,Nonetheless God still knows what man hides,Eternity is His alone,Whom so ever seeks Him,He will never turn away,A pure heart made of faith and love,May sometimes seam weak,In front of an enemy,Of your well-being,But what the blind wicked man sees not,Is the glory of God,And His strong army,Of Angels,As…


You were...

You were hiding in the shadows of my past..Waiting for your next victim,A soul to snatch,O,You lonely girl,Your beauty could not hide,What was livin' inside a lie,O,You lonely girl,Your touch to the soul,Was equal to real love,Consumed by time with you,O,You lonely girl,You almost made a fool out of me,In the midst of the night,God gave away your position in faith,O, You lonely girl,Do not forsake your own soul,For God has planned something different for you,Go away my past,O, You lonely gi…